• Mashup Score: 0

    The Health Care Innovation Section is open to all members with an interest in developing a vision for the future of cardiology. The Section will collaborate with stakeholders across the American College of Cardiology to advance technology and promote innovation in the field. In addition to the Leadership Council, the Section is also home to work groups focused in the areas of Advanced Health…

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    • Interested in health care innovation & understanding the role it is playing and can play in transforming #CVD care and outcomes for all patients? Join the #ACCInnovation Member Section: https://t.co/yp27aSXZOW #ACCMember #TransformCVCare https://t.co/99a0wp9k0X

  • Mashup Score: 7

    Under normal circumstances, the human heart pumps to a strong and steady beat – in fact, more than 100,000 heartbeats each day! But if you have atrial fibrillation, or AFib, the heart doesn’t always beat or keep pace the way it should. Many people with AFib say they can feel their heart racing, fluttering or skipping beats. AFib is the most common heart rhythm disorder (arrhythmia). A major…

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    • Attending the #AFib Heart House Roundtable? Check out #CardioSmart’s AFib Hub offering patient tools and resources on this topic, including infographics, action plan, decision aids, fact sheets, and more. #TransformCVCare https://t.co/MP54CMvwN8 https://t.co/3fWG8S9DT6

  • Mashup Score: 4

    Wearable technology can help you engage in your health and track certain healthy habits. But it doesn’t replace your health care team. Download this infographic to learn more.

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    • Dr. Marco Perez discussed the diagnosis & management of #AFib using implantable and wearable health devices in today’s Heart House Roundtable. Check out #CardioSmart’s infographic on Wearable Technologies. #TransformCVCare https://t.co/mhl8Z6BXr7 https://t.co/wlW4KwEKQS

  • Mashup Score: 3

    Introduction“If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.”—Peter F. Drucker (1)The field of health care is important for many reasons, but most importantly, it affects us all emotionally, physically, mentally, and financially. Globally, although the ultimate goals are the same, the health care scenarios are very different with variation in the number of well-equipped…

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    • Innovation offers exciting opportunities to help scale #healthequity, says ACC’s Immediate Past President @Ditchhaporia as part of a focused session at today’s Industry Advisory Forum. Read more from her on this topic at: https://t.co/VUlV0qyK4N #TransformCVCare #ACCInnovation https://t.co/iLxu7ZN9nJ