• Mashup Score: 8

    Caffeine jump-starts your day and puts a bounce in your step. It can help you focus, improve your mood and maybe even help you live longer.

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    • Is caffeine a friend or foe? https://t.co/JGkSXSkPl1 via @medical_xpress @gregorymmarcus: "The literature on the whole shows that coffee consumption is generally not a detriment to health." #TeamConfirmationBias #TeamCoffee!

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    • Edmonton barista ranks 1st in Canada, 5th in the world https://t.co/zPF2rpA8fa by @Ebezo I've always believed #YEG has some of the best coffee shops in the world! (And I spend a stupid amount of time in coffee shops.) Congrats, Ply Pasarj & @RogueWaveCoffee! #TeamCoffee

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    US scientists, who analysed the records of 40,000 British adults, think coffee protects against Covid as it contains health-boosting plant chemicals that may give a huge boost to the immune system.

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    • Daily Mail + observational research + marginal journal x coffee = RIDICULOUS headline. "One cup of coffee a day cuts risk of falling ill with Covid by a tenth" https://t.co/UEn0qU2itE via @MailOnline ht @nicolane cc @garyschwitzer @cecilejanssens #TeamCoffee (♥️!), but nope!

  • Mashup Score: 32

    Scientists in Spain have published a paper examining the fat-burning potential of coffee before exercise, and how its consumption at different times of the day may influence the end result. Albeit small, the study indicates that drinking a strong coffee half an hour before aerobic exercise can…

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    • "Coffee found to boost aerobic capacity and fat-burning during exercise" https://t.co/UcosfH4rOK Small (very) study find #coffee 30 mins before #exercise "boost what’s known as maximal fat oxidation rate." Usual methods caveats. Still, #TeamCoffee! ☕️