• Mashup Score: 1

    Add-on treatment with an IL-6 receptor inhibitor warrants further investigation for patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia and systemic hyperinflammation, suggest preliminary findings from two Italian observational studies published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

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    • News: IL-6 inhibitors #tocilizumab and #sarilumab warrant further investigation as add-on treatments for #COVID19, suggest the results of two studies published in @ARD_BMJ @SRAnesthesiaICU @AbbateAntonio @giovannilandoni #RheumCovid https://t.co/YjeAr2mW4V

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Add-on treatment with an IL-6 receptor inhibitor warrants further investigation for patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia and systemic hyperinflammation, suggest preliminary findings from two Italian observational studies published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

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    • News: IL-6 inhibitors #tocilizumab and #sarilumab warrant further investigation as add-on treatments for #COVID19, suggest the results of two studies published in @ARD_BMJ @SRAnesthesiaICU @AbbateAntonio @giovannilandoni #RheumCovid https://t.co/YjeAr2mW4V

  • Mashup Score: 0

    Preliminary findings from the GRECCO-19 trial suggest that colchicine, an anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of gout and familial Mediterranean fever, may have potential as a therapeutic agent for COVID-19.

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    • News: GRECCO-19 trial results reported by Spyridon Deftereos (@uoaofficial), @dvrachatis and co-authors in @JAMANetworkOpen suggest #colchicine warrants further investigation for the treatment of #COVID19 #RheumCovid https://t.co/grro0ksQzO