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    Raj Chovatiya, M.D., Ph.D. and Neal Bhatia, MD comment on the importance of assessing a treatment’s available clinical trial data, ability to control disease severity, and QoL impacts when assessing atopic dermatitis treatment options.

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    • In this #FrontlineForum episode, Raj Chovatiya, MD, PhD and Neal Bhatia, MD, discuss the importance of assessing a treatment’s available #clinicaltrial data, ability to control disease severity, and #QoL impacts when assessing #atopicdermatitis treatment. https://t.co/LSRRdzOlT4

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    Post | LinkedIn - 2 year(s) ago

    Feed post Status is offline Ralph Stephan von Bardeleben • 3rd+ Univ.-Professor Interv. Klappentherapie, Head Heart Valve Center Mainz, Editor in Chief Echocardiography, Full Professor…

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    • #NCD #diabetes and #SHD #structural #valvular heart disease with #EU #parliament #Health4EU ⁦@escardio⁩ on focus for early detection for better treatment to improve #survival #QoL #functional status ⁦@vonBardelebenRS⁩ #Mainz https://t.co/FIkhP4pxCP

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    PURPOSE: Patients’ values and priorities in their lives should be appreciated from an early phase of incurable diseases such as advanced cancer. However, studies examining these characteristics have been lacking. This study attempted to determine what patients with advanced lung cancer valued most, once they had been diagnosed, and any associated factors. METHODS: Patients with newly diagnosed…

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    • “Living the rest of life with satisfying mood if my disease will not go away”: Patients with advanced #lungcancer who mentioned prioritizing daily life in their comments had better #QOL & mood scores. Family & health also were valued highly. ➡️ https://t.co/kyLgTR4c0S #lcsm https://t.co/2LneN7UKjT

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    Iron deficiency (ID) is common in patients with cardiovascular disease. Up to 60% of patients with coronary artery disease, and an even higher proportion of those with heart failure (HF) or pulmonary hypertension have ID; the evidence for cerebrovascular disease, aortic stenosis and atrial fibrillat …

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    • Increased red cell turnover in patients with #cyanosis and #ACHD predisposes to⬇️iron in our patients. I wonder to what extent this plays a role in disease progression and #QOL. Investigation needed! @mgoschu @ACTION4HF @ShelbyKuttyMD @AlexFrogoudaki https://t.co/PTM4BwtAnL

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    Wolters Kluwer Health - 2 year(s) ago

    JavaScript Error JavaScript has been disabled on your browser. You must enable it to continue. Here’s how to enable JavaScript in the following browsers: Internet Explorer From the Tools menu, select Options Click the Content tab Select Enable JavaScript Firefox From the Tools…

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    • Menopause #hormonetherapy and complementary alternative medicine, quality of life, and #racial/#ethnic differences: the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (#SWAN) https://t.co/2POJQbATAr @MenopauseOrg @LippincottMed #menopause #CAM #QOL

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    PURPOSE: When deliberating palliative cancer treatment, insight into patients’ attitudes toward striving for quality of life (QL) and length of life (LL) may facilitate goal-concordant care. We investigated the (1) attitudes of patients with advanced cancer toward striving for QL and/or LL and whether these change over time, and (2) characteristics associated with these attitudes (over time)….

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    • Changes in individual pt attitudes toward striving for #QOL &/or increased length of life indicate they may benefit from repeated #goalsofcare discussions. >75% w/ advanced cancer CHANGED attitudes in the last 6 mo of life. 👉 https://t.co/r2IVt5T0JV @ingehenselmans #hpm #pallonc https://t.co/0vLP3ntGIa