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    We find that global warming has very likely exacerbated global economic inequality, including ∼25% increase in population-weighted between-country inequality over the past half century. This increase results from the impact of warming on annual economic growth, which over the course of decades has accumulated robust and substantial declines in economic output in hotter, poorer countries—and…

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    • Wealthy countries’ fossil fuel usage has likely adversely affected poor countries’ economies: https://t.co/o6Gx3M0C7p. Visit https://t.co/I6oj2ZhG3U to see the full #pnastopen2019 list. https://t.co/rCjZrIqniK

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    One of the most notorious impacts of nonnative, invasive grasses is the alteration of fire regimes. Yet, most evidence of these impacts comes from local-scale studies, making it unclear whether they have broader implications for national and regional fire management. Our analysis of 12 invasive grasses documents regional-scale alteration of fire regimes for 8 species, which are already increasing…

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    • Invasive grasses may increase ecosystems’ susceptibility to wildfire occurrence and frequency: https://t.co/UVqhYkrdGK. Visit https://t.co/VY9cQzHkXm to see the full #pnastopen2019 list. https://t.co/zj9kLgVZM5

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    In a popular parlor trick, plasma is created by irradiating grape hemispheres in a household microwave oven. This work ties the source of the plasma to microwave photonic hotspots at the junction of aqueous dielectric spherical dimers. We use a combination of thermal-imaging techniques and computer simulations to show that grape-sized fruit and hydrogel beads form resonant cavities that…

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    • We finally understand why microwaved grapes produce plasma: https://t.co/hslRJgWnmD. Visit https://t.co/FnjRU67xp8 to read the full #pnastopen2019 list. https://t.co/jJHmnLfugm