Mashup Score: 4Earlier use of biologics may improve long-term lupus outcomes - 5 month(s) ago
Early use of biologic drugs such as belimumab may limit complications associated with steroid use and improve long-term outcomes in systemic lupus erythematosus, according to data presented at an international conference. Experts looked at data involving over 3,000 people from five trials of belimumab. The drug performed better than placebo both short term (under two […]
Source: arthritisdigest.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, RheumatologyTweet
Earlier use of biologics may improve long-term lupus outcomes https://t.co/dsAQ7qdwX2 #lupus #lupuswarrior #lupusawareness #arthritisdigest https://t.co/8soYSQNAMT