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    Bilingual Spanish and English speakers make up the majority of the Miami-Dade County population. As a result, phrases like “throw a photo” and “make a party” have become commonplace in the region. One linguist called the dialect “one of the most important linguistic convergences” in the Americas.

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    • Linguists say a new English dialect has emerged in Miami, Florida. #BecauseMiami #linguistics https://t.co/1Xqq7A9hn6

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    Peng-Jen Chen is well aware of how language barriers can affect people’s ability to communicate. Chen grew up in Taiwan speaking Mandarin Chinese, but his father, Sheng-Jiang Chen, a 70-year-old retired factory lead technician, hails from Southern Taiwan, where Taiwanese Hokkien is widely spoken. Though the two languages are related, they’re different enough that Chen’s […]

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    • #AI translates #Hokkien, an unwritten language, for the first time // #technology #linguistics #anthropology https://t.co/X422xeKBuB