• Mashup Score: 0

    The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) is proud to publish a Portuguese language version of the Journal under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief, Edimar A. Bocchi, MD, FACC, of São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Bocchi personally selects each paper for the edition’s six issues per year from the JACC weekly publication. Each manuscript is translated…

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    • Você conhece os mecanismos básicos da disfunção #isquêmica? Confira uma revisão recente publicada no #JACCPortuguese https://t.co/c1JZEbWVWl https://t.co/g40B47jcpE

  • Mashup Score: 1

    The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) is proud to publish a Portuguese language version of the Journal under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief, Edimar A. Bocchi, MD, FACC, of São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Bocchi personally selects each paper for the edition’s six issues per year from the JACC weekly publication. Each manuscript is translated…

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    • Aprenda no #JACCPortuguese https://t.co/c1JZEbWVWl as principais etapas no manejo clínico da #obesidade e soluções de saúde pública para enfrentar essa condição. https://t.co/c7XGX31dmY

  • Mashup Score: 1

    The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) is proud to publish a Portuguese language version of the Journal under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief, Edimar A. Bocchi, MD, FACC, of São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Bocchi personally selects each paper for the edition’s six issues per year from the JACC weekly publication. Each manuscript is translated…

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    • RT @JACCJournals: Você conhece a importância do sistema linfático na #IC? Aprenda no #JACCPortuguese https://t.co/c1JZEbWVWl https://t.co/D…

  • Mashup Score: 0

    The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) is proud to publish a Portuguese language version of the Journal under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief, Edimar A. Bocchi, MD, FACC, of São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Bocchi personally selects each paper for the edition’s six issues per year from the JACC weekly publication. Each manuscript is translated…

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    • Você conhece a importância do sistema linfático na #IC? Aprenda no #JACCPortuguese https://t.co/c1JZEbWVWl https://t.co/DkcUrFbQmB

  • Mashup Score: 0

    The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) is proud to publish a Portuguese language version of the Journal under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief, Edimar A. Bocchi, MD, FACC, of São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Bocchi personally selects each paper for the edition’s six issues per year from the JACC weekly publication. Each manuscript is translated…

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    • Você conhece os dispositivos utilizados na substituição da válvula mitral transcateter? Aprenda no #JACCPortuguese https://t.co/c1JZEbWVWl https://t.co/i1EE6aAQhj

  • Mashup Score: 0

    The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) is proud to publish a Portuguese language version of the Journal under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief, Edimar A. Bocchi, MD, FACC, of São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Bocchi personally selects each paper for the edition’s six issues per year from the JACC weekly publication. Each manuscript is translated…

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    • Conheça um novo algoritmo para estratificação de arritmias e morte súbita em pacientes com miocardiopatia isquêmica no #JACCPortuguese https://t.co/c1JZEbWVWl https://t.co/p61ETnfwh6

  • Mashup Score: 2

    The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) is proud to publish a Portuguese language version of the Journal under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief, Edimar A. Bocchi, MD, FACC, of São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Bocchi personally selects each paper for the edition’s six issues per year from the JACC weekly publication. Each manuscript is translated…

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    • Você conhece algum algoritmo para o tratamento das arritmias ventriculares em pacientes com cardiomiopatia chagásica crônica? Aprenda  #JACCPortuguese https://t.co/kkY0EAOjnm https://t.co/ujjFszW6WQ

  • Mashup Score: 1

    The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) is proud to publish a Portuguese language version of the Journal under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief, Edimar A. Bocchi, MD, FACC, of São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Bocchi personally selects each paper for the edition’s six issues per year from the JACC weekly publication. Each manuscript is translated…

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    • Quais os principais preditores de sobrevida até a alta hospitalar após internação por uma parada cardíaca recuperada. Aprenda no #JACCPortuguese https://t.co/kkY0EANLxO https://t.co/GjtlP4PWbS

  • Mashup Score: 0

    The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) is proud to publish a Portuguese language version of the Journal under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief, Edimar A. Bocchi, MD, FACC, of São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Bocchi personally selects each paper for the edition’s six issues per year from the JACC weekly publication. Each manuscript is translated…

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    • Confira o efeito de um suporte nutricional na mortalidade de pacientes com #IC no #JACCPortuguese no https://t.co/kkY0EANLxO https://t.co/A2FgwoXdTz

  • Mashup Score: 2

    The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) is proud to publish a Portuguese language version of the Journal under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief, Edimar A. Bocchi, MD, FACC, of São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Bocchi personally selects each paper for the edition’s six issues per year from the JACC weekly publication. Each manuscript is translated…

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    • Você conhece os malefícios dos alimentos ultraprocessados no sistema cardiovascular? Confira o novo estudo no #JACCPortuguese https://t.co/kkY0EANLxO https://t.co/40lh5XKRHa