Mashup Score: 94Eosinophilic myocarditis: a diagnostic challenge and treatment dilemma—a case report - 2 month(s) ago
AbstractBackground. Eosinophilic myocarditis, a rare and potentially life-threatening condition, can resemble acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and presents di
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 39Cardiac metastatic melanoma presenting with ventricular tachycardia: a multimodality imaging evaluation case report - 2 month(s) ago
AbstractBackground. Cardiac tumours are rare; secondary, metastatic cardiac tumours are 22–132 times more common than primary cardiac tumours. Multimodalit
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet-
Cardiac metastatic melanoma presenting with ventricular tachycardia: a multimodality imaging evaluation case report https://t.co/1S4UjK7ghz #EHJCaseReports @Phiso_de @TJ_Yeo @aayshacader @BoldiKovacsMD @KardiologieHH @ANazmiCalik @O_Azizy_MD @saramoscatelli7 @EHJCREiC #CardioX https://t.co/WxMaVGDXUd
Mashup Score: 52Vieussens’ arterial ring forming a coronary–pulmonary artery fistula with large aneurysmal dilatation: a case report - 2 month(s) ago
AbstractBackground. Vieussens’ arterial ring (VAR) is an embryonic conotruncal ring remnant that represents a rare vascular anomaly involving a connection
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet-
Vieussens’ arterial ring forming a coronary–pulmonary artery fistula with large aneurysmal dilatation: a case report https://t.co/Mqrg1y30zg #EHJCaseReports @Phiso_de @TJ_Yeo @aayshacader @BoldiKovacsMD @KardiologieHH @ANazmiCalik @O_Azizy_MD @saramoscatelli7 @EHJCREiC #CardioX https://t.co/AKyugGX84h
Mashup Score: 43Oral sarcoidosis preceding sudden cardiac arrest: a case report - 2 month(s) ago
AbstractBackground. Sarcoidosis is a disease characterized by non-caseating granulomas and may affect any organ system. Cardiac involvement may lead to con
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 98Emotion-related syncope in a young female patient - 2 month(s) ago
A female patient in her 20s presented to our medical centre with a 4-month history of recurrent attacks of transient loss of consciousness that were essent
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 56
An 82-year-old woman was referred to our structural heart intervention programme due to severe symptomatic aortic valve stenosis. Following current guideli
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 92Emotion-related syncope in a young female patient - 2 month(s) ago
A female patient in her 20s presented to our medical centre with a 4-month history of recurrent attacks of transient loss of consciousness that were essent
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 92Emotion-related syncope in a young female patient - 2 month(s) ago
A female patient in her 20s presented to our medical centre with a 4-month history of recurrent attacks of transient loss of consciousness that were essent
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 56
An 82-year-old woman was referred to our structural heart intervention programme due to severe symptomatic aortic valve stenosis. Following current guideli
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 77
AbstractBackground. Computed tomography (CT) assessment is the standard for predicting coronary obstruction (CO) caused by sinus sequestration (SS) during
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Eosinophilic myocarditis: a diagnostic challenge and treatment dilemma—a case report https://t.co/BRcY6ywSus #EHJCaseReports @Phiso_de @TJ_Yeo @aayshacader @BoldiKovacsMD @KardiologieHH @ANazmiCalik @O_Azizy_MD @saramoscatelli7 @EHJCREiC #CardioX https://t.co/XXu563ScbD