• Mashup Score: 0

    Readily available GA variables and laboratory data, but not age, were associated with unplanned hospitalizations among older adults receiving chemotherapy. If validated, these data can inform prediction models and the design of interventions to decrease unplanned hospitalizations.

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    • Geriatric Assessment helps predict unplanned hospitalizations in older adults with cancer starting chemotherapy. #GeriOnc Great collaborative work, led by @HKlepinMD & many others in @myCARG network, data from @cityofhope, and including #DrHurriasLight. https://t.co/e5DOKq6hRw

  • Mashup Score: 4

    Purpose During the last decade, oncologists and geriatricians have begun to work together to integrate the principles of geriatrics into oncology care. The increasing use of a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is one example of this effort. A CGA includes an evaluation of an older individual’s functional status, comorbid medical conditions, cognition, nutritional status, psychological…

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    • Some summary information on #GA for cancer patients: https://t.co/TiunOrhBup #DrHurriasLight #GeriOnc https://t.co/lN8pohoCE9

  • Mashup Score: 7

    Older adults are vulnerable to chemotherapy toxicity; however, there are limited data to identify those at risk. The goals of this study are to identify risk factors for chemotherapy toxicity in older adults and develop a risk stratification schema for …

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    • In the face of #COVID19 I have been using the @myCARG tool more than ever (TY #DrHurriasLight) to determine chemo-related risk. Well validated tool (@ASCO_pubs https://t.co/NlZW8DjcGL) that offers a truly evidence based approach to risk stratification. https://t.co/H7OQH4wc7Y https://t.co/5zDA2iTWZK

  • Mashup Score: 1

    It has been just over a year since Arti Hurria died in a tragic car accident while on her way home from a meeting focused on improving care for us all as we age. Arti was a brilliant researcher, gifted clinician, and a talented educator. More importantly, she was the warm and gracious friend who always asked, “How are you doing?” with a big smile and a readiness to wrap you in a hug if she sensed…

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    • Lovely piece by @nlundebjerg - insight into how we can all emulate #DrHurriasLight. @HKlepinMD recently said that something I did reminded her of Arti and I am still walking on air knowing I might emulate a few watts of her light. https://t.co/8KbB3x4qM1 #gerionc @JGeriOnc https://t.co/t5xkO38d7W