• Mashup Score: 5

    The story broke over the weekend about data #privacy concerns in #NHS organisations sharing #data with Meta. Shanti Das The Guardian shared the story that highlighted the issues where NHS trusts were sharing patient details without adequate controls, consent or protective processes in place. A number of NHS organisations were found to be using tracking software on their websites. The types of…

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    • Check out my latest article: NHS: a data privacy nightmare https://t.co/rgFIpBXwAa via @LinkedIn #healthtech #dataprivacy #NHS

  • Mashup Score: 1

    A new campaign highlights iPhone features that Apple says ensure it is able to safely collect data on its users

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    • Apple launches new privacy campaign highlighting importance of keeping health data private on iPhone | The Independent https://t.co/l7GaWiorMC @Independent via @kuriharan #healthcare #EHR #DataPrivacy #dataprotection #telehealth #healthtech #mhealth #Apple #iPhone https://t.co/ZYbMTtcDG7