Mashup Score: 4A Female IM Resident's Experience Presenting at ACC.23/WCC - American College of Cardiology - 2 year(s) ago
I thought I’d be less nervous. I was excited to come to New Orleans; after all, this was my second time going to ACC’s Annual Scientific Session. I understood the basics of the different pathways, lectures and, importantly knew where to get coffee. There were some familiar faces and friends I had stayed in contact with from the previous year and others I had yet to meet. Yet there was one…
Source: American College of CardiologyCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 1
ACC is dedicated to creating a strong, diverse and inclusive pipeline of future cardiovascular physicians and scientists. ACC’s Internal Medicine Cardiology Programs are designed to introduce participants to a career in cardiology by connecting them with the mentors, peer network and resources they need to understand career opportunities in the field of cardiology.
Source: American College of CardiologyCategories: Cardiology News and Journals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0
ACC is dedicated to creating a strong, diverse and inclusive pipeline of future cardiovascular physicians and scientists. ACC’s Internal Medicine Cardiology Programs are designed to introduce participants to a career in cardiology by connecting them with the mentors, peer network and resources they need to understand career opportunities in the field of cardiology.
Source: American College of CardiologyCategories: Cardiology News and Journals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 6
ACC is dedicated to creating a strong, diverse and inclusive pipeline of future cardiovascular physicians and scientists. ACC’s Internal Medicine Cardiology Programs are designed to introduce participants to a career in cardiology by connecting them with the mentors, peer network and resources they need to understand career opportunities in the field of cardiology.
Source: American College of CardiologyCategories: Cardiology News and Journals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 8
ACC is dedicated to creating a strong, diverse and inclusive pipeline of future cardiovascular physicians and scientists. ACC’s Internal Medicine Cardiology Programs are designed to introduce participants to a career in cardiology by connecting them with the mentors, peer network and resources they need to understand career opportunities in the field of cardiology.
Source: American College of CardiologyCategories: Cardiology News and Journals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0ACC.22 Reflection From an ACC IM-Cardiology Program Member - American College of Cardiology - 3 year(s) ago
As I reflect on my experience at ACC.22, the first conference I have attended, there is one phrase that comes to mind: Lift as we climb. I remember walking into the expansive conference center, nervous and excited, immediately feeling two things: Starstruck from the incredible, accomplished women around me, and how I wanted to be just like them. As part of ACC’s Internal Medicine Cardiology…
Source: American College of CardiologyCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Highlights From WIC Episodes of the Practice Made Perfect Podcast: Part I - American College of Cardiology - 3 year(s) ago
Sanskriti Shrivastava, MBBS, MBA Katherine Clark, MD, MBA During Women’s History Month this March, the WIC Section produced weekly episodes for the ACC Practice Made Perfect podcast. Each episode was hosted by WIC Leadership Council member, Kamala Tamirisa, MD, FACC. Tamirisa had the opportunity to interview a diverse group of female cardiologists. The first two episodes are highlighted…
Source: American College of CardiologyCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Build Reputation, Build Character: Notes From an Address by Nanette Wenger, MD, MACC, at ACC.22 - American College of Cardiology - 3 year(s) ago
The WIC Lounge at ACC.22 had a stimulating start with an interactive session titled, “Building Reputation (and Leadership)” by the legendary Nanette Wenger, MD, MACC. Hosted by the dynamic ACC WIC ex-chair, Toniya Singh, MBBS, FACC, Wenger shared her experience and addressed key elements to help women build a credible name for themselves. She started off with a mantra, “Listen, learn, decide,…
Source: American College of CardiologyCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 1Conversations with Women in EP - American College of Cardiology - 3 year(s) ago
The dearth of women in EP was highlighted in two studies presented at HRS 2022 showing that only 5% of EP operators of Medicare procedures are women, and that women accounted for just 13%-15% of the pool of applicants to EP. During the meeting, I discussed some of the issues that deter WIC FITs from pursuing EP with a few established female EPs. A major concern is the safety of working with…
Source: American College of CardiologyCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 1Sandra J. Lewis Mid-Career Women’s Leadership Institute Inaugural Cohort – 2022-2024 - American College of Cardiology - 3 year(s) ago
Mid-career women are invited to empower the next phase of their professional lives with the Sandra J. Lewis Mid-Career Women’s Leadership Institute.
Source: American College of CardiologyCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet-
Sandra J. Lewis Mid-Career Women’s Leadership Institute Inaugural Cohort – 2022 #ChooseCardiology #ACCWIC Special congratulations to @KTamirisaMD from the ACC WIC Leadership Council! 🎉🎉🎉@sandylewis @ACCinTouch https://t.co/Vgpal6xt5S
A Female IM Resident shares her experience presenting at #ACC23 and her #ACCWIC experience from @CaliRClark #ChooseCardiology #TheFaceofCardiology #WomeninCardiology @ACCinTouch @AMWADoctors @WomenAs1 https://t.co/8v3FLFFf2L