Mashup Score: 38Brainstem C1 neurons mediate heart failure decompensation and mortality during acute salt loading - 15 hour(s) ago
AbstractAims. Heart failure (HF) is an emerging epidemic worldwide. Despite advances in treatment, the morbidity and mortality rate of HF remain high, and
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
New #CardiovascularResearch study finds brainstem pre-sympathetic C1 neurons mediate acute #HeartFailure decompensation and mortality following a high-#salt diet https://t.co/y2Vw6jvBkQ @CVR_TomaszGuzik @glenpyle @DrMikeDrozd @Sarah_KBrown #HF #CVD #CardioX https://t.co/DaysHtiiYn