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    Healthcare Services: Peerzada Muzamil on how PPP model is unfavourable for the underprivileged citizens, who are just a bill away from falling into poverty, especially if the ‘private’ is overpowering the ‘public’

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    • Private IND Hospitals: Hlthcare Bcomes $$ Business 4 Corporate. @peerzadamuzamil on how PPP model is unfavourable 4 the underprivileged IND citizens, who r just a bill away from falling in2 poverty, especially if the ‘private’ is overpowering the ‘public’ https://t.co/Yo1xZ5wKfn

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    Artificial Intelligence solutions – for screening, diagnosis, and decision support – hold much promise to improve access to healthcare, and boost productivity and effectiveness of health human resources at all levels, it was noted.

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    • #India @ICMRDELHI @iiscbangalore Ink Pact To Create High-Quality Medical Datasets - #AI solutions hold much promise to improve #access to #healthcare, & boost productivity and effectiveness of health human resources at all levels | #data https://t.co/T9eRuwFGYc