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    Meet the Javelina, Sedona’s famous pig-like desert dweller. Otherwise known as the Collared Peccary, the Javelina is one of three species of New Wo…

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    • @cardioPCImom @DrMarthaGulati @jct_ucb @AnastasiaSMihai @HeartOTXHeartMD @mmamas1973 @ShelleyZieroth @garand_f @JGrapsa @SilCastelletti @iamritu @IAmDrIbrahim @onco_cardiology @rajdoc2005 @jct_ucb & @DrMarthaGulati are experts! I’ve never seen a javelina in my life, learned everything I know about javelinas from them.😄 https://t.co/p5kZKxkwid