• Mashup Score: 10

    Large-scale containment measures that reduce the spread of COVID-19 have proven to have too large an impact on both the economy and our mental health to be sustainable in the long term. Here, the authors show that travel reductions between geographical regions and timely local control measures can reduce the region-to-region reproduction number below one, thus eliminating the epidemic and…

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    • Travel reductions between geographical regions and timely local control measures can prevent recurrent COVID-19 waves without the need for long-term lockdown measures, according to a study published in @CommsPhys. https://t.co/RrUGhX8vW8 https://t.co/eezLjEtO8m

  • Mashup Score: 4

    Extensive theoretical and experimental efforts have been devoted to the effect of quantum criticality in our understanding of the physics of high-temperature superconductors and strongly correlated electron materials, yet it remains a puzzle in condensed matter physics. The authors report observations of a quantum criticality by investigating the non-Fermi liquid thermodynamics and transport…

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    • A paper in Communications Physics reports observations of a quantum criticality by investigating the non-Fermi liquid thermodynamics and transport behaviour in a non-superconducting iron pnictide. https://t.co/eT2KucIVD6 https://t.co/miki53BZYu