Mashup Score: 18
ABSTRACTObjectives. The current study compared the outcome after orthopaedic surgeries in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving Janus kinase inhibitors (
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Mashup Score: 13Prevalence and incidence of hand eczema in healthcare workers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. - 1 year(s) ago
“A blog about allergy, asthma & immunology”
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Mashup Score: 6
A community outreach program decreased health care resource use among children with high-risk asthma in Tennessee by targeting specific barriers to care, according to a report published in Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.Patients who participated in the program experienced these improvements within a year of enrollment, Christie F. Michael, MD, associate professor in the department of
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Mashup Score: 5Sponsored Content: How OPCAB Can Enhance Your Practice - 1 year(s) ago
Learn more on CTSNet: https://www.ctsnet.org/article/sponsored-content-how-opcab-can-enhance-your-practiceThe Cardiothoracic Surgery Network (CTSNet) connect…
Source: bit.lyCategories: General Medicine News, Cardiac SurgeryTweet
Mashup Score: 1
(TRIGGER WARNING: Please be aware that this podcast explores themes around the topics of self-harm and suicide.) In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Jocelyn Meza discusses her co-authored JCPP paper ‘Practitioner Review: Common elements in treatments for youth suicide attempts and self-harm – a practitioner review based on review of treatment elements associated with intervention benefits’. Jocelyn is…
Source: bit.lyCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 3
Black, Asian, and Hispanic members of the U.S. Armed Forces were far less likely than their white comrades to undergo knee replacement surgeries after being diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA), military researchers found.
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Black, Asian, and Hispanic Military Members w/OA Treated Differently Black, Asian, and Hispanic members of the U.S. Armed Forces were less likely than their white peers to undergo knee replacement surgeries post OA diagnosis, military researchers found. https://t.co/Kzj4XyCmZt https://t.co/TwBAtn9Dwr
Mashup Score: 21
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Source: bit.lyCategories: General Medicine News, RheumatologyTweet
Mashup Score: 50
PostEric Dein@ericdeinmd#RNL2023 @RheumNow Dr. Stanley Cohen: possible adverse effects of JAKi -Herpes zoster, other infections -Malignancy -Occasional cytopenias -LFTs (with DMARDs) -Incr Cr or CPK -Acne -Incr lipids -GI perf -VTE Which do you counsel with your patients?1:50 PM · Mar 18, 2023892 Views2 Reposts3 Likes4 Bookmarks4New to X?Sign up now to get your own personalized timeline!Sign up…
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Mashup Score: 3Warning! | There might be a problem with the requested link - 1 year(s) ago
Why was this blocked? Links are blocked when they violate our Acceptable Use Policy. Violations include: The link may be listed on a website blocklisting service. The link may have been reported to Bitly by a member of the public. The link may contain malware (software designed to harm…
Source: bit.lyCategories: General Medicine News, General HCPsTweet
Mashup Score: 99
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Japanese retrospective study compared RA pts on JAK inhib vs bDMARDs (n=62 ea) having orthopedic surgery; JAKi- pts had more postoperative flares (29% v 12%, P=.01), esp if JAKi held >11d (p.04). No diff in other postop complications https://t.co/NVY1Oajdve https://t.co/fwc9KWYZ9l