• Mashup Score: 1

    Justin Trudeau just created a caste of economic untouchables. Can we stop this dystopian policy from taking hold in America?

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    • "A Western version of China’s social credit system that does not altogether prohibit political dissent but makes it so costly that it becomes impractical to the ordinary citizen." A Social Credit System Arrives in Canada https://t.co/C45s5mXzCu

  • Mashup Score: 144

    Ten crucial lessons from Dr. Vinay Prasad.

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    • The fact USA public health could never leverage an 8700x risk gradient --- not even in 2021 as we dropped ball with boosting elderly & coercively boosted college kids--- speaks to just how bad our pandemic response was and how we can't blame the last guy https://t.co/ItI0G33Jgh https://t.co/N0jCWxeZhS

  • Mashup Score: 1475

    Ten crucial lessons from Dr. Vinay Prasad.

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    • "Many experts have called for more randomized trials during the pandemic. But they were ignored. We should have studied whether social distancing works, and how much distance is ideal... Even school closure and reopening could have been studied." https://t.co/YTvItz2khk

    • "An 88-year-old has 8,700 times the risk of death of an 8-year-old. This astounding risk differential was known... very early... But it was consistently ignored by policy makers who pursued one-size-fits all restrictions with vigor" 👇 https://t.co/YTvItz2khk https://t.co/YBsTYClOeY