• Mashup Score: 5

    An insight into an original research, as part of the BJSM’s new #KnowledgeTranslation blog series Link to the paper in BJSM here Krylov’s Inquisitive Man travelled around a museum observing all sorts of minute details, but in so doing failed to notice the massive elephant on display. Single hop for distance is the most used […]Read More…

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    • 'Hop distance: The elephant in the room?' #Blog Key reading for anyone with an interest in #ACLs - thanks @RoulaKotsifaki @RoaldBahr @RodWhiteley @SamVanRossom @KorakakisV @vasilisbme @PhilipGrahamSm2 @IJonkers 👏 https://t.co/De8tFCwW8g https://t.co/VAFA40xKdI