Fill | AUA Quality Improvement Issue Brief – Joy in Work – Panel Self-Nomination Form
Background: The American Urological Association (AUA) is seeking nominations to populate an upcoming Quality Improvement Issue Brief (QIIB) panel on joy in work/ physician burnout. The AUA advocates for a diverse and inclusive environment within the association, as well as the global urology community. As such, we are seeking diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, viewpoint, practice setting, and geographic location. Panel Roles and Participation Requirements: Panel Members use their clinical expertise to inform the project scope, interpret evidence, ensure the quality and accuracy of the QIIB, and develop all content and supporting text. Every Panel Member is expected to contribute to calls and meetings and to work with the Panel Chair and Quality Staff to keep the project moving forward. Panel Members may expect to be involved in discussions with the Panel Chair and Quality Staff on developing the scope of the document, reviewing relevant literature, drafting text for the document, ed