Editors’ Selections from Relevant Scientific Publications
Prevention averts death (by Nick Youngson via The Blue Diamond Gallery)Cancer prevention, screening and treatment efforts have averted an estimated 5.94 million deaths in the United States between 1975 and 2020. Using population-level cancer mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics, Goddard and colleagues ran simulations to calculate the impact of various interventions on mortality from five major cancer sites, which together account for 51% cases. Prevention and screening prevented 80% of these deaths. Combined screening and removal of precancerous polyps accounted for most averted deaths from cervical and colorectal cancers, while screening alone prevented 25% and 56% of breast and prostate cancer deaths, respectively. Notably, reductions in smoking led to 98% of averted lung cancer deaths. Reducing cancer deaths further will require more dissemination of effective interventions and new discoveries.Goddard KAB, … Castle PE. JAMA Oncol. 2024 Dec 5.LXR unlinks inte