Coaching inexperienced clinicians before a high stakes medical procedure: randomized clinical trial
Objective To assess whether training provided to an inexperienced clinician just before performing a high stakes procedure can improve procedural care quality, measuring the first attempt success rate of trainees performing infant orotracheal intubation. Design Randomized clinical trial. Setting Single center, quaternary children’s hospital in Boston, MA, USA. Participants A non-crossover, prospective, parallel group, non-blinded, trial design was used. Volunteer trainees comprised pediatric anesthesia fellows, residents, and student registered nurse anesthetists from 10 regional training programs during their pediatric anesthesiology rotation. Trainees were block randomized by training roles. Inclusion criteria were trainees intubating infants aged ≤12 months with an American Society of Anesthesiology physical status classification of I-III. Exclusion criteria were trainees intubating infants with cyanotic congenital heart disease, known or suspected difficult or critical airways, pre