GI Involvement in EGPA Linked to Eosinophilic Tissue Infiltration, Weight Loss
Gastrointestinal involvement is common among patients with EGPA, with eosinophilic tissue infiltration, weight loss, and myalgia identified as significant predictors.
Gastrointestinal involvement is common among patients with EGPA, with eosinophilic tissue infiltration, weight loss, and myalgia identified as significant predictors.
Who do you want on your team, the go-getters or the gunna’s? This blog will provide you with suggestions for identifying the go-getters and how…
Patients in preweekend versus postweekend group more likely to experience composite of death, complications, readmission
Clinical trial data on hemodiafiltration (HDF) vs high-flux hemodialysis (HD) may not reflect its effectiveness in real-world patients. Expert opinion may fill the gap.
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Ultra-rapid digital droplet PCR can measure the levels of tumor cells in a tissue sample in about 15 minutes
Inpatient ICI treatment produces poor outcomes across cancer types, according to the largest study of its kind.
The European Association of Urology (EAU) Urethral Strictures Guidelines aim to provide a comprehensive overview of urethral strictures in male, female, and transgender patients.
Program: State-of-the-Art Interdisciplinary Management of Prostate Cancer This series is part of an Independent Medical Education Initiative Supported by BAYER U.S. LLC PHARMACEUTICALS Biographies: A.…
The Young Urologist of the Year Award recognizes the contributions and accomplishments of upcoming, young urologists who have established themselves as future leaders in the…
“[The lack of] a battery makes it ultra small. That’s really important,” says Colin Goudelocke, MD.