Trump tried to destroy a USDA think tank. Here’s what other U.S. agencies could learn from its fate
After the Economic Research Service was moved to Kansas City in 2019, staffing and productivity took a dive
After the Economic Research Service was moved to Kansas City in 2019, staffing and productivity took a dive
As the White House-backed project seeks to drive the evolution of artificial intelligence computational processes, demand for GPU servers may push the development of lighter-weight…
On this week’s show: Finding more complexity in the planet’s mantle, and making a basher that doesn’t break
Unique drilling project has ominous implications for sea-level rise
Also, fitness technology company GOQii has introduced an AI-powered post-organ transplant care programme.
HIMSS25 sessions looks at an AI-driven approach to reducing wait times and optimizing resource allocation.
Wishing for a more orderly disruption may misunderstand the nature of government reform
Researcher suggest findings could help understand what happens in the brain when fear response regulation is impaired.
To many in the scientific community, the 1975 Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA stands as a singular achievement. This experiment in governance seemed to demonstrate…
Shen et al. investigate the use of Lactobacillus plantarum, a commensal bacterial strain, as a chassis for targeting the olfactory mucosa to facilitate precise nose-to-brain delivery…
A diet rich in biotin blocks metal-induced neurotoxicity and parkinsonism in flies.