Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2025, Volume 26: A New Era … : Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
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s uncertain outcomes. The increased mechanical forces at the unfused laminectomy may lead to more ASD. Few studies have examined the development of ASD with…
Lurie Children’s Dr. Jennifer Jao was selected as Co-Chair of the International Maternal Pediatric and Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Network to help guide the Network’s critical…
Academy of Ophthalmology IRIS Registry (Intelligent Research in Sight). Multivariable Cox proportional hazards models were fit to examine the relationships between sociodemographic variables and time…
years. Data were collected from the Tromsø study conducted in Norway between 2015 and 2016 (Tromsø7). Chronic pain was assessed using a single question, which…
When four-year-old Mayia stopped using her right side, her parents were immediately concerned and took her to Children’s Mercy Kansas City. T here, Mayia’s medical…
Anxiety disorders remain among the most common mental health challenges faced by children and adolescents, demanding ongoing innovation in both research and practice. Despite widespread…
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Environmental factors can account for a very high proportion of childhood disease in many low- and middle-income countries.
The Children’s Hospital Association is the national voice of more than 220 children’s hospitals, advancing child health through innovation in the quality, cost and delivery…
lance, osseous pathology, implant malposition, or more commonly, a combination of these various causes. Historically, high rates of failure have been reported after revision procedures,…