Prepare now to use convalescent plasma for the next pandemic
Whether the next pandemic is caused by H5N1 bird flu or something else, we must prepare now to use convalescent plasma to treat patients.
Whether the next pandemic is caused by H5N1 bird flu or something else, we must prepare now to use convalescent plasma to treat patients.
The H5N1 virus has killed millions of poultry, driving up the price of eggs and causing some shortages.
Unvaccinated pets face a higher risk of illness and death from preventable diseases that can have broader implications on society.
If sex-based differences in risk result from biased care rather than biology, enshrining the associations in clinical algorithms may be inequitable and unlawful. How can…
Informational resources on HIV for healthcare provider’s practice and to give to patients.
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Enter to compete in this year’s STAT Madness! STAT Madness is a bracket-style tournament to find the best innovations in science and medicine from
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These types of infections will continue to rise, and there is a need to understand what we are witnessing and find ways to combat them.
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A proposed FDA rule would set nicotine levels on tobacco products at less than half the current average and could save millions of lives, proponents…