This 8000-year-old ‘gum’ holds surprises about ancient toolmakers
Young hunter-gatherers in Scandinavia chewed birch bark pitch while they worked
Young hunter-gatherers in Scandinavia chewed birch bark pitch while they worked
New “lassoing” technique has never been seen before in snakes
Rise of farmers spraying glyphosate correlated with drop in birthweight in large study
Studies that use surveys to link dietary patterns to human health may be irredeemably biased, new paper suggests
Sweeping executive order likely to be read broadly, experts predict
“Brochosomes” could inspire new camouflaging materials
Strategy allows the plant to self-fertilize when pollinators aren’t present
Genetic study also reveals blood groups modern humans acquired from Neanderthals
Conservative Party, out of power since 2015, expected to win elections later this year
Knowing needs of riders is key to improving transportation equity, new report says
Controlling blood flow to their toes may help the amphibians stick to, and unstick from, their surroundings