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    Infectious disease outbreaks will continue to increase and trying to find strategies to ensure providers are cared for to prevent burnout and shortage staffing is essential if another pandemic arises.

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    • Burnout among healthcare professionals (HCPs) is a concern as we face the #tripledemic and future pandemic/endemic surges. Institutions are seeing a loss of HCPs to early retirement and career changes as a surge of viruses strain healthcare resources. https://t.co/Bwhwh65N0W

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    Forty-seven. That’s how many days of child care Kathryn Anne Edwards’ 3-year-old son has missed in the past year. RSV, COVID-19 and two bouts of the dreaded preschool scourge of hand, foot and mouth disease struck one after another.

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    • As 2023 gets underway, the #childcare crisis meets the “tripledemic” of flu, RSV and COVID. Babies, toddlers and families need solutions: https://t.co/l0IhSt2KZl #tripledemic