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    SEER*Explorer provides access to SEER cancer statistics and detailed statistics for a cancer site by gender, race, calendar year, age, and for a selected number of cancer sites, by stage and histology.

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    • The lifetime risk of a cancer diagnosis for Hispanics in the US is 37.6%. This means about 2 out of every 5 Hispanics may be diagnosed with cancer at some point in life. Visit SEER*Explorer to view more cancer statistics: https://t.co/ANRZCA8cR3 #SaludTues https://t.co/Wed5yvU7jQ

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    Interactive Maps - 8 month(s) ago

    Tip: Hover on a state to see its rate (and 95% C.I.). Click a state to show its counties.

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    • #ProstateCancer is the most common cancer for men. These states have some of the highest rates of new cases in the US: GA, LA, MD, MS, MT, NJ, NY, and Puerto Rico and DC. Visit State Cancer Profiles to view cancer stats in your state: https://t.co/TRmmwNZunY #SaludTues https://t.co/Bgm8ONOrAv

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    Cancer Statistical Fact Sheets are summaries of common cancer types developed to provide an overview of frequently-requested cancer statistics including incidence, mortality, survival, stage, prevalence, and lifetime risk.

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    • August 1st is World Lung Cancer Day. #LungCancer is one of the most common cancers across all racial and ethnic groups. Visit our Cancer Stat Facts sheet to learn more about common cancers: https://t.co/hztNEnmWhO and lung cancer: https://t.co/BVqvN4e1pm #SaludTues https://t.co/bQubt8xJi3

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    Cancer Statistical Fact Sheets are summaries of common cancer types developed to provide an overview of frequently-requested cancer statistics including incidence, mortality, survival, stage, prevalence, and lifetime risk.

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    • The 12 most common cancers in the US will account for more than 75% of all new cancer diagnoses in 2023. Breast, prostate, lung, and colorectal cancers alone account for 50% of all diagnoses. Visit our #Cancer Stat Facts sheet to learn more: https://t.co/hztNEnmWhO #SaludTues https://t.co/WXccCFCEFW