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    Facilitating a remarkable iterative dialogue, GPT ignites a powerful journey of learning.

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    • 👉Plato And Socrates Would Approve Of GPT. Facilitating a remarkable iterative dialogue, GPT ignites a powerful journey of learning. https://t.co/BXSo4hfvH3 #AI #education #philosophy #LLMs #GPT3 #GPT4 #ChatGPT https://t.co/X510brLI9d

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    The Cartography Of Reason - 10 month(s) ago

    Structure, function, and the essential human need for objective frameworks.

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    • The Cartography Of Reason Structure, function, and the essential human need for objective frameworks. https://t.co/UVjAE1HZn8 #Philosophy @jordanbpeterson @vkhosla @elonmusk #firstprinciples #technology https://t.co/zSJqGqpDgb

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    The Cartography Of Reason - 10 month(s) ago

    Structure, function, and the essential human need for objective frameworks.

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    • The Cartography Reason. The value of OBJECTIVITY in the modern world. https://t.co/NHU3BZESLy #politics #Philosophy @BrianRoemmele @jordanbpeterson

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    The Cartography Of Reason - 11 month(s) ago

    Structure, function, and the essential human need for objective frameworks.

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    • The Cartography Of Reason Structure, function, and the essential human need for objective frameworks. https://t.co/uFfQoMschK #Philosophy @jordanbpeterson @BrianRoemmele #society https://t.co/xquovrv8yG

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    Integrating timeless philosophical principles into the development of AI.

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    • Aristotle In The Algorithm Integrating timeless philosophical principles into the development of AI. https://t.co/6oAYwM9d4b #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #technology #Aristotle #philosophy https://t.co/nHcblivZ9Z

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    GPT and simulacra are pervading modern life.

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    • "GPT has created a new dynamic that, beyond realistic images, creates a cognitive hyperreality. GPT and other LLMs raise concerns about the potential for it to contribute to a societal detachment from reality." https://t.co/hVswh5j2M2 #GPT3 #GPT4 #ChatGPT #AI #LLMs #philosophy https://t.co/dAEbqWvfV4