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    Scientists at the University of Eastern Finland have developed a technique that lets them improve the coating of nanoparticles when using cell membranes. Cell membranes offer a lot of benefits as a coating for synthetic nanoparticles, including shielding from the immune system, prolonged circulation times and improved tumor accumulation. However, current approaches to coating nanoparticles with…

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    • Improved Membrane Coating for Anti-Cancer Nanoparticles https://t.co/tAXc61j7eO #UniEastFinland #Materials #Medicine #Nanomedicine #Oncology https://t.co/Eayg1ykMQ5

  • Mashup Score: 2

    Researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia have developed an electrospun blood vessel replacement. The material contains tropoelastin, a natural precursor for elastin, a key component of blood vessel walls. Elastin is present in concentric circles in natural blood vessels and provides the elastic properties which allow them to distend slightly and then reform their original shape in…

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    • Electrospun Construct Mimics Elasticity of Blood Vessels https://t.co/FF7AjxGuK1 #Electrospinning #SydneyUni #CardiacSurgery #Materials #Pediatrics #Surgery #ThoracicSurgery #VascularSurgery https://t.co/xKiB3btXhO

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Researchers at MIT have developed a sensor system that can provide data on how well a face mask fits to a wearer’s face. The protection offered by a mask is largely dependent on how well it fits the face, but at present most face masks are one-size-fits-all and most wearers are largely unaware if their mask is providing maximal protection. This latest technology is an adhesive polymer frame…

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    • Flexible Sensors Measure Fit of Face Masks https://t.co/OhXivafKbt #Mit #Materials #PublicHealth #Surgery https://t.co/MTpgWF9Lo9