• Mashup Score: 25

    This cohort study compares the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 among health care workers by mask preference and level of patient exposure.

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    • HCW wearing N95/KN95 respirator type masks almost half as likely to be dx with #COVID19 over the course of 1 year. Hours of pt exposure⏲️also mattered as well as vaccination💉. Household exposure🏠was the biggest risk for infection.😷#maskQualityMatters 🚨https://t.co/WW1iPRXoGZ https://t.co/s58VzWIuQ3

    • 😷High filtration mask use was associated with lower odds of getting infected with SARS-CoV-2 among health workers in this cohort study (not an RCT) H/T ⁦@phealthsean⁩ Ping ⁦@AbraarKaran⁩ https://t.co/pF3jb56owR