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    Hemonc Today | Going through cancer during transitional adolescent and young adult years can present additional social, financial and mental health challenges that add to the stressors of diagnosis and treatment.Cancer cases among adolescents and young adults (AYAs) — defined as those diagnosed between ages 15 to 39 years — have risen by 29.6% over the last 4 decades, according to a study…

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    • “We know that people with strong support systems, regardless of their age, have better outcomes,” said Stacy Sanford, PhD, co-director of @LurieCancer’s #AYA Cancer Program. Read what we’re doing about it at https://t.co/aPJm4tUFIo via @GoHealio #ayacsm #lurieaya #ayaware https://t.co/RkfI9MCkhl