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    Weekly news , posts and updates for Lipidology & Cardiovascular Disease Prevention by Dr. James Underberg

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    • The latest LipidDoc's Daily is out !! https://t.co/cZjMIfsCqA Thanks to @nationallipid @ACCinTouch @drpablocorral #cardiotwitter #ischemia

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    Wolters Kluwer Health - 2 year(s) ago

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    • Our best-read article last December: #Whatsthediagnosis for this patient with trouble breathing? The #ECG computer only included #ischemia, and it missed a big one in this case, says @EM1MinuteGuru #FOAMed https://t.co/3bvgzL3dvf #Bestof2022 https://t.co/iMdIoIVHqa

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    Advanced imaging can improve the identification of ocular manifestations of systemic conditions.

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    • Today’s advanced imaging capabilities make the invisible visible. We can detect #ischemia, find emboli in #retinal arteries, and gain new insight into neuromyelitis optica and other unusual cases of ischemic optic #neuropathy. Continue reading below. https://t.co/epKw6L5AJc