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    Health Populi - 9 month(s) ago

    A blog covering the health/care ecosystem and people

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    • Patient trust in #BigTech eroded in past 10 yrs. Impt call-to-action for #healthcare as #AI gets fast-adopted & designed to benefit #publichealth & #healthconsumers @healthgorilla IDs #healthplans & #tech <trusted than hc providers https://t.co/h8iWa8XE68 #healthprivacy #HIPAA https://t.co/0QiQi4EOcI

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    With consumer and prescriber interest in GLP-1 receptor agonist drugs “soaring,” health plan managers have a new source of financial stress and clinical questions on their to-do list. A team of Virta Health leaders held a webinar on 13th July 2023 to explain the results of a study the company just completed assessing health plan execs’ current views on Ozempic and other GLP-1 medicines with a…

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    • To avert a #GLP1 cost tsunami, add in #lifestyle behavior change @virtahealth asked 80 #healthinsurance leaders abt concerns re #Ozempic & new meds for #diabetes & #obesity #healthplans could incur $72 mm >costs per 100K covered lives https://t.co/eunlLRHcOh #foodasmedicine https://t.co/kzTBW2PtJd

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    Most patients, nurses and doctors believe that health insurance plans reduce access to health care which contributes to clinician burnout and increases costs, based on three surveys conducted by Morning Consult for the American Hospital Association (AHA).             Most patients have experienced at least one health insurance related barrier in the past two years, and 4 in 10 of those people…

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    • Nurses & doctors blame #healthinsurance plans for patients' barriers to #healthcare -- & so do patients in @ahahospitals polls 62% of patient homes faced barrier to care-->43% said health got worse as a result https://t.co/lbM8r7ZyRk #healthplans #quintupleaim #healthcosts https://t.co/QSn6xP0cHT

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    Access to healthcare does not guarantee a person’s overall well-being. Factors such as where and how individuals live can impact their health profoundly.

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    • Non-medical services reshaping @Medicare & #Medicaid. Public #healthplans paying >attention to drivers of #publichealth @CMSGov allowing MC & MA plans to embed social, #nutrition & other svcs to bolster #wellbeing https://t.co/khdQ4kNHXh @Medecision post on #SDoH & #pophealth https://t.co/NoQ3M4FjAC