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    Can you imagine one day using a telescope as thin as a sheet of paper, or a much smaller and lighter high-performance camera? Or no longer having that camera bump behind your smartphone? In a paper published in Nature Communications, researchers from the University of Ottawa have proposed a new optical element that could turn these ideas into reality by dramatically miniaturizing optical devices,…

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    • Say goodbye to your camera bump: uOttawa researchers miniaturize optics by discovering counterpart to lens https://t.co/k8Nl8ma1lW via @uOttawa @EurekAlert #EurekAlertTrending #Optics #MaterialsSciences

  • Mashup Score: 2

    In the first-known study to examine the effect of the combination of insomnia and diabetes on mortality risk, participants who had both diabetes and frequent sleep disturbances were 87% more likely to die in following 9 years than those who did not have diabetes or frequent sleep difficulties. The study asked one simple question, which the study authors said clinicians and patients should be…

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    • Have trouble sleeping? You're at higher risk of dying, especially if you have diabetes https://t.co/offNCf6zUe via @northwesternu @EurekAlert #EurekAlertTrending #Sleep #Diabetes #SleepDisorders

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    In the Optical Society (OSA) journal Applied Optics, researchers led by Dr. Kyle Renshaw from the University of Central Florida College of Optics and Photonics report that a near infrared camera helped people detect Burmese pythons at distances up to 1.3 times farther away than was possible using a traditional visible-wavelength camera.

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    • Infrared imaging leaves invasive pythons nowhere to hide https://t.co/NWMj8URC0g via @opticalsociety @EurekAlert #EurekAlertTrending #InfraredCameras #Pythons

  • Mashup Score: 1

    The world is one step closer to ultimately secure conference calls, thanks to a collaboration between Quantum Communications Hub researchers and their German colleagues, enabling a quantum-secure conversation to take place between four parties simultaneously.

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    • Quantum holds the key to secure conference calls https://t.co/qjP4QWqCdZ via @HeriotWattUni @EurekAlert #EurekAlertTrending #QuantumComputing #QuantumPhysics

  • Mashup Score: 3

    Since the 1960s, the Jebel Sahaba cemetery (Nile Valley, present-day Sudan) has become the emblem of organised warfare during prehistory. Re-analysis of the data, however, argues for a succession of smaller conflicts. Competition for resources is probably one of the causes of the conflicts witnessed in this cemetery.

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    • Jebel Sahaba: A succession of violence rather than a prehistoric war https://t.co/B0BLCMxUn0 via @CNRS @EurekAlert #EurekAlertTrending #Archaeology #Violence #ClimateChange

  • Mashup Score: 5

    A multi-national effort involving scientists from Denmark, Canada, Germany and Japan reports the first-ever direct measurements of mercury deposition in the deepest trenches of the Pacific Ocean, 8 to 10 kilometers under the sea, revealing unprecedented amounts of highly toxic mercury. The high mercury levels may be representative of the collective increase in anthropogenic emissions of mercury…

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    • Scientists sound alarm about unprecedented mercury accumulation in Pacific Ocean trenches https://t.co/6zqI9ph6u8 via @aarhusuni @EurekAlert #EurekAlertTrending #PacificOcean #Mercury #Pollution

  • Mashup Score: 1

    若年マウスでは内耳蝸牛にNox3の発現は認められない(上段)。加齢、騒音、聴毒性薬剤(例えば抗癌剤であるシスプラチン)により、蝸牛の基底回転でNox3発現細胞(外有毛細胞と支持細胞)が増加する(中段)。外有毛細胞は、Nox3を発現する自身由来の活性酸素もしくはNox3を発現する周囲の支持細胞由来の活性酸素により、細胞死(脱落)に至り、難聴を発症する(下段)。注: 図2を模式化したもの。

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    • Superoxide produced in the cochlea of inner ears causes acquired hearing loss https://t.co/D6d1nlILoh via @KobeU_Global @EurekAlert #EurekAlertTrending #HearingLoss #Hearing #Neurobiology