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    ### Summary box Plastic pollution is a global crisis of increasing scale and severity. From the extraction of raw materials for production to the ultimate disposal of massive waste, plastics impact negatively several environmental domains, animal health and potentially human health, with possible global health and social implications.1–3 These effects of plastics are poised to increase with the…

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    • Addressing the plastic pollution problem calls for: 👉 Research on #plastic exposure and human health 👉 Joint action with environmentalists and animal health experts 👉 A #circulareconomy model in healthcare 👉 Public Health toolbox 📣 New Article ➡️ https://t.co/85uDSmks82 https://t.co/sQ9W5Jso0A

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    As a keystone of the five business plans outlined in the Circular Charlotte report, Envision Charlotte is creating the Materials Innovation Lab – named the Innovation Barn. The Innovation Barn, located at 932 Seigle Ave. is ground zero for Circular Charlotte, a joint project with the City of Charlotte to transition Charlotte to a circular economy.  TheRead more

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    • Together, we can improve sustainability, resilience, economic competitiveness and quality of life! @EnvisionCLT @AtriumHealth @ThePearlCLT @innovationquart https://t.co/Ik1Oe3X4op #innovationbarn #circulareconomy #ESG https://t.co/C888uLsuVe

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    Divert unavoidable food loss and food waste from landfills to BiofuelsThe solution is to prevent food loss and waste ending up at landfills and instead divert it to biomethanation plants where we can produce clean, green , renewable and sustainable bioenergy. This biomethane can be used as transport fuel to replace fossil fuel based CNG. With this solution we can solve multiple issues faced by…

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    • RT @GlenGilmore: Using #AI to reduce #food waste and spending 🏬 🥬🥑🍎 🛒 📥 solutions promoting a #circulareconomy: https://t.co/MRqjmWNvkV…