• Mashup Score: 6

    Trees lining a street may encourage people to take a longer stroll or choose to bike to work. New research shows how access to natural areas in cities can improve human health by supporting physical activity. The researchers plan to equip city planners with tools to create healthier, more sustainable cities around the world.

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    • Trees lining a street may encourage people to take a longer stroll or choose to #bike to work. New research shows how access to natural areas in #cities can improve human #health by supporting physical activity. https://t.co/3fMT7tchvD https://t.co/GtuuZiBeVl

  • Mashup Score: 0

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    • Cycling Your Commute. A Complete Beginner’s Guide - @HuffPostUK "Many states have urged people to go back to work, but avoid public transport" #bike #fitness #exercise #SocialDistanacing https://t.co/FxubRP8EHA https://t.co/Uh2ZDAY9S7