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    Health Populi - 9 month(s) ago

    A blog covering the health/care ecosystem and people

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    • Patient trust in #BigTech eroded in past 10 yrs. Impt call-to-action for #healthcare as #AI gets fast-adopted & designed to benefit #publichealth & #healthconsumers @healthgorilla IDs #healthplans & #tech <trusted than hc providers https://t.co/h8iWa8XE68 #healthprivacy #HIPAA https://t.co/0QiQi4EOcI

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    Former California lawmakers Hannah-Beth Jackson and Jordan Cunningham say the AADC represents a necessary paradigm shift.

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    • "Instead of recognizing their responsibility to protect kids, #BigTech places blame on parents. But it’s not their responsibility to design products that are safe to use." @SenHannahBeth and @Cunning_Jordan on why #CAKidsCode will make platforms safer ⬇️ https://t.co/c8P40snfoP

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    Hi friends, Today I’d like to discuss the topic of large companies and why they need so many people. With the massive amount of tech layoffs recently, there’s been a common criticism that these large companies are staffed with legions of lazy people who do little to no work. As someone who has seen and been on both sides, I’d like to give my perspective on what’s happening.

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    • Why #bigtech companies need so many people - by JR 🦀 https://t.co/6aKfWoa7Gx