Mashup Score: 1Nutrition taskforce – ESPN - 1 year(s) ago
The Paediatric Renal Nutrition Taskforce comprises paediatric renal dietitians and paediatric nephrologists from 9 countries across Europe and North America who are dedicated to improving the nutritional care of children with kidney diseases. The taskforce is endorsed by ESPN and IPNA. The taskforce was set up in December 2017, prompt ed by the challenges and inconsistencies in the nutritional management of children with kidney diseases globally. Many renal centres do not have trained dietitians and the
Source: www.espn-online.orgCategories: General Medicine News, NephrologyTweet
RT @paedkidneynutri: Learn more about PRNT here: https://t.co/dr7PVvBIgp including published and forthcoming work from the group 4/ @ESPNS…