Mashup Score: 0The BulletPoints Project - 1 year(s) ago
Clinical tools for preventing firearm injury. BulletPoints equips clinicians with knowledge on firearms, their uses, benefits, risks, and safety to make providers comfortable engaging with patients about the risk of firearm access and the importance of firearm safety just as they discuss other household risks.
Source: www.bulletpointsproject.orgCategories: General Medicine News, PulmonologyTweet
Amazing & effective @UCSFDHM GR by Dr. @ETSshow on Firearm Violence Prevention #ThisIsOurLane. 5% of adults have ever had MD ask them abt prevention. ✅ https://t.co/oy3ried2ro & https://t.co/GtRmQm78ZO https://t.co/nQPRq2xIUo