• Mashup Score: 65

    Reclaiming Food & Medicine — Ending Corruption and Chronic Disease features the following speakers: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Health and Environmental Lawyer, Campaigner and U.S. Presidential Candidate Dr. Aseem Malhotra – World Renowned U.K. Cardiologist and Public Health Campaigner Dr. Vandana Shiva – Scientist, Activist, Environmentalist and “one of the top 7 most powerful

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    • It’s happening on October 28th in San Jose - Book your ticket now for the most important health event this year featuring @RobertKennedyJr , @drdrew @drvandanashiva & surprise special guests 🔥 On your doorstep @elonmusk - we hope to see you there https://t.co/ePNWqfPrTW https://t.co/gO2A4Q29e7