Mashup Score: 0Get the CRAFFT – CRAFFT - 1 year(s) ago
There are two versions of the CRAFFT 2.1: a Clinician Interview and a Self-administered Questionnaire. Research has shown that adolescents report greater comfort and likelihood of honesty with self-administered questionnaires (electronic versions or on paper) compared to face-to-face interviews. The self-administered version is also more time-efficient to admin ister than an interview. Therefore, we recommend the use of the Self-administered Questionnaire whenever possible, under conditions that protect
Source: crafft.orgCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
In routine adolescent screening, include evidenced-based questions, such as S2BI or CRAFFT. CRAFFT is free, validated, and available in English, Spanish, and several other languages: https://t.co/pksp6zEDGJ Start screening at 12 years old, where the risk behaviors often start.