Mashup Score: 2Turning the tide: how will novel diabetes drugs change the future management of cardiovascular disease? - 4 day(s) ago
Introduction In 1736, Benjamin Franklin declared that ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’. With an ever-growing incidence of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, compounded by overwhelmed health services, this principle remains central to healthcare policies today. Diabetes has long been …
Source: bjcardio.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 0Mitral valve TEER in the UK: what you need to know as TEER becomes routinely available in the NHS - 30 day(s) ago
Background Transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER) is a percutaneous catheter-based technique that aims to replicate the Alfieri stitch, a surgical technique in which a suture is applied at the site of the regurgitant jet between the facing free margins of the anterior and posterior leaflets of the mitral valve (M …
Source: bjcardio.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 0Lipoprotein(a) measurement – how, why and in whom? - 4 month(s) ago
Why should lipoprotein(a) be measured? The cardiovascular risk conferred by serum lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) in large noteworthy epidemiological studies1,2 over two decades ago was inconsistent and often underestimated owing to poor standardisation of the commercially available Lp(a) immunoassays. During the last decad …
Source: bjcardio.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 3Lipoprotein(a) in atherosclerotic heart disease and familial hypercholesterolaemia - The British Journal of Cardiology - 4 month(s) ago
Introduction Lipoprotein(a) (Lp[a]) was discovered in 1963 as an antigen causing rare blood transfusion reactions.1 The antigen was found to be present in the lipoprotein fraction of plasma, hence the name lipoprotein(antigen). As methods for its measurement improved, researchers realised that Lp(a) had a continuou …
Source: bjcardio.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 1Mentorship for cardiology trainees: appealing or appalling? - 6 month(s) ago
However, trainees may benefit from a separate relationship with a senior clinician, in which they can be nurtured outside of the auspices of a generic training curriculum. This describes mentorship: a bidirectional relationship between mentor and mentee offering personal development, independent growth, and explora …
Source: bjcardio.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 118Optimal angiographic views for invasive coronary angiography: a guide for trainees - The British Journal of Cardiology - 8 month(s) ago
Introduction Invasive diagnostic coronary angiography is a core procedure that all cardiology trainees/fellows are required to learn, and in which they are expected to become independent in practising during their training.1 Learning normally starts during the first year, and a key component of independence is the …
Source: bjcardio.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 118Optimal angiographic views for invasive coronary angiography: a guide for trainees - The British Journal of Cardiology - 8 month(s) ago
Introduction Invasive diagnostic coronary angiography is a core procedure that all cardiology trainees/fellows are required to learn, and in which they are expected to become independent in practising during their training.1 Learning normally starts during the first year, and a key component of independence is the …
Source: bjcardio.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 33Investigating infective endocarditis: teaching hospitals to choose wisely - The British Journal of Cardiology - 1 year(s) ago
Introduction Infective endocarditis (IE) is a potentially fatal infection of the endothelial lining of cardiac structures, with an estimated incidence between 42 and 67 cases per million in England.1 Mortality without treatment approaches 100%.2 The 1994 Duke diagnostic criteria for IE merge clinical, echocardiogra …
Source: bjcardio.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 105Optimal angiographic views for invasive coronary angiography: a guide for trainees - The British Journal of Cardiology - 1 year(s) ago
Introduction Invasive diagnostic coronary angiography is a core procedure that all cardiology trainees/fellows are required to learn, and in which they are expected to become independent in practising during their training.1 Learning normally starts during the first year, and a key component of independence is the …
Source: bjcardio.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 1Inspiring change within the NHS to improve collaborative working and patient care across cardiovascular disease - 1 year(s) ago
Faculty member Affiliation Professor Ahmet Fuat PCCS Council Member and GPSI Cardiology, County Durham Professor Chris Gale Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Honorary Consultant Cardiologist, University of Leeds Dr Guy Lloyd Consultant Cardiologist, Barts Heart Centre and Honorary Secretary, BCS Helen Willia …
Source: bjcardio.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Great essay! Turning the tide: how will novel diabetes drugs change the future management of cardiovascular disease? https://t.co/V9Uu3XEhHn #GLP1 #HFpEF #prevention #cardiotwitter via @BrJCardiol