Mysterious monarch migrations may be triggered by the angle of the Sun
Massive volunteer effort helps scientists analyze migration patterns
Massive volunteer effort helps scientists analyze migration patterns
New guidelines asserting pesticide dangers wrongly favor organic foods over cheaper ones, critics say
“Rebreathing” may let diving anole lizards stay underwater longer to evade predators
By studying how tumors are transmitted in hydras, researchers hope to learn how to predict or even prevent outbreaks in all sorts of wildlife
Unlike its kin, Allodiplogaster sudhausi can grow a giant maw and feast on its own clones
Through a subtle effect, a yellow pigment found in Cheetos snack food enables light to travel straight through tissue
Biomedical oversight agency replaces proposal to publicize institutional findings with smaller steps toward greater transparency
Scientists may be capturing creatures in the process of adapting to their dark environments
Postdocs who hold temporary visas are paid less and receive less career development and guidance than U.S. citizens, new study finds
The imperturbable bot succeeds where humans usually fail, experiment finds
Riding on top of sea ice, domed vessel will carry crews on 2-year-long polar voyages