Mashup Score: 12Guidelines for Reporting Observational Research in Urology: The Importance of Clear Reference to Causality - 1 year(s) ago
Observational studies often dance around the issue of causality. We propose guidelines to ensure that papers refer to whether or not the study aim is to investigate causality, and suggest language to use and language to avoid.
Source: www.europeanurology.comCategories: Latest Headlines, UrologyTweet
Mashup Score: 2Optimal predictive probability designs for randomized biomarker-guided oncology trials - 2 year(s) ago
IntroductionEfforts to develop biomarker-targeted anti-cancer therapies have progressed rapidly in recent years. With efforts to expedite regulatory reviews of promising therapies, several targeted cancer therapies have been granted accelerated approval on the basis of evidence acquired in single-arm phase II clinical trials. And yet, in the absence of randomization, patient prognosis for…
Source: FrontiersCategories: Hem/Oncs, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 2Optimal predictive probability designs for randomized biomarker-guided oncology trials - 2 year(s) ago
IntroductionEfforts to develop biomarker-targeted anti-cancer therapies have progressed rapidly in recent years. With efforts to expedite regulatory reviews of promising therapies, several targeted cancer therapies have been granted accelerated approval on the basis of evidence acquired in single-arm phase II clinical trials. And yet, in the absence of randomization, patient prognosis for…
Source: FrontiersCategories: Hem/Oncs, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 5Acknowledgment of Reviewers, 2022 - 2 year(s) ago
> Journal of Clinical Oncology > List of Issues …
Source: Journal of Clinical OncologyCategories: Hem/Onc News and Journals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 4Does Reduced Renal Function Predispose to Cancer-specific Mortality from Renal Cell Carcinoma? - 4 year(s) ago
Unfavorable oncological outcomes of partial and radical nephrectomy are driven mostly by aggressive tumor characteristics rather than differences in renal function.
Source: European UrologyCategories: Latest Headlines, UrologyTweet
Guidelines for Reporting Observational Research in Urology: The Importance of Clear Reference to Causality https://t.co/QjEkbdy8b9 @VickersBiostats @redunndant @zabormetrics @MaartenvSmeden @statsepi #UroSoMe