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    WEDNESDAY, Nov. 2, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Most people consider drowsy driving dangerous, but an estimated 37 million Americans still get behind the wheel at least once a year when they’re so tired they can barely keep their eyes open.About six in 10 people admitted to drowsy driving in a new surve…

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    • Most Americans Admit to Driving While Drowsy: Poll @USDOT Read more in the article below: https://t.co/GueM0jsjuK #drowsy #driving #Health #healthnews #healthday #healthcare #medical #hospital #nurse #surgery #doctor #healthandwellness #nursing

  • Mashup Score: 2

    Christopher Cannon · Playlist · 28 songs · 0 likes

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    • Celebrating transportation of all types: #Playlist inspired by @SecretaryPete @PeteButtigieg @USDOT #teamPete (Songs tend to be classics from ~80’s) https://t.co/5KGTLy7xMp