Mashup Score: 1Pollen Peril: Sneezin' Season May Up COVID Risk - 4 year(s) ago
TUESDAY, March 9, 2021 (HealthDay News) — It’s that time of year when flowers and trees bloom freely and pollen makes the lives of many miserable. But new research reveals a hidden risk: It could also make you more vulnerable to COVID-19 infection.COVID-19 infection rates waxed and waned with polle…
Source: Consumer Health News | HealthDayCategories: General Medicine News, Latest HeadlinesTweet
It's that time of year when pollen makes the lives of many miserable. But new research reveals a hidden risk: It could also make you more vulnerable to COVID-19 infection. @Traidl_Hoffmann @TU_Muenchen @AmeshAA @JHSPH_CHS @PNASNews https://t.co/eT5OipwFeY