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    Objective To understand human factors (HF) contributing to disturbances during invasive cardiac procedures, including frequency and nature of distractions, and assessment of operator workload. Methods Single centre prospective observational evaluation of 194 cardiac procedures in three adult cardiac catheterisation laboratories over 6 weeks. A proforma including frequency, nature, magnitude and…

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    • Distractions in cardiac cath lab? Impact for cardiologists & patient safety https://t.co/YMsjXfopCe @mmamas1973 @SukhNijjer @DrPascalMeier @cpgale3 @GreggWStone @DocSavageTJU @ElenaCowan_ @BrennanSurgeon @prof_rtpa @DFCapodanno @rallamee @JEscaned @sbrugaletta https://t.co/3phVKKBrhe