• Mashup Score: 2

    Author summary Genetic data from families can be used to evaluate social effects of parents on their offspring. For example, non-transmitted parental genetic variants have been shown to associate with offspring educational attainment indicative of parental effects. Siblings may also influence one another but available data has limited our understanding of sibling effects. Associations between…

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    • Howe et al find evidence suggesting that older siblings influence the educational attainment of younger siblings @laurencejmshowe @nm_davies @BrisPopHealth https://t.co/Cboc0x8fRO

  • Mashup Score: 55

    Estimates from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) represent a combination of the effect of inherited genetic variation (direct effects), demography (population stratification, assortative mating) and genetic nurture from relatives (indirect genetic effects). GWAS using family-based designs can control for demography and indirect genetic effects, but large-scale family datasets have been…

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    • RT @laurencejmshowe: 1. A short thread on the Sibling GWAS preprint now on bioRxiv! https://t.co/RQCaJ4cbcR